您的位置:百色金融新闻网 > 理财投资 > 哥大金工专业||美国大学的金融工程项目就一定设在商学院下面?-四达投资





哥大金工专业||美国大学的金融工程项目就一定设在商学院下面? 在咨询的过程中了解到很多学生及家长朋友对美国金融和金融工程专业在认知上有一些误区,绝大多数人认为金融工程和金融专业一样,都设置在某所大学的商学院下面。究其原因:一方面,是受国内课程设置的影响;另一方面,对美国的专业和课程设置不怎么了解。其实,就是同一个专业,国内和国外还是有差别的,比如金融专业的设置:在中国的综合类大学里,金融系往往设置在经济学院。在美国“Finance”的含义却相对较窄,主要是指与资本市场、企业运作相关的事务,也因此,美国的金融学课程往往重点在资本市场以及与公司相关的微观内容。

下面我们先来看一看美国哥伦比亚大学金融工程(MS in Financial Engineering)硕士项目:



The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at Columbia University has long offered the Master of Science (MS) degree program with a specialized curriculum for professionals in the field of Financial Engineering.(工业工程运筹系,文章后面会有中文解说)


Financial Engineering is a multidisciplinary field involving financial theory, the methods of engineering, the tools of mathematics and the practice of programming. The Financial Engineering Program at Columbia University provides full-time training in the application of engineering methodologies and quantitative methods to finance. It is designed for students who wish to obtain positions in the securities, banking, and financial management and consulting industries, or as quantitative analysts in corporate treasury and finance departments of general manufacturing and service firms.

The first half of our program is devoted to the tools of the trade and their use in modeling financial markets and instruments. The FE curriculum includes courses in stochastic processes, optimization, numerical techniques, Monte Carlo simulation, and data analysis. They also study portfolio theory, derivatives valuation, and financial risk analysis, making use of the methods they have learned.

The second half of the program gives students the opportunity to take more advanced courses or study specialized topics. We offer a selection of more detailed courses on current subjects of interest, ranging from models of the term structure of interest rates to a study of the implied volatility smile, as well as a course on applications programming for financial engineering. Students can also choose from a variety of courses on particular markets and their models, for example mortgage-backed securities or credit-risk modeling.

三、学制:一学年。the MS in Financial Engineering requires the completion of 36 points on a full time basis only.例如:Students start with a fall session on August 18, 2016, and continue through the 2016-2017 academic year. Students may complete the program in June, August or December 2017.

四、项目方向及课程设置:The MS in Financial Engineering offers five concentrations, including: (1) Computation & Programming(编程); (2) Finance & Economics(金融和经济); (3) Derivatives(金融衍生品); (4) Asset Management(资产管理); and (5) Computational Finance & Trading Systems(数量金融和交易系统).


The 2016-2017 curriculum is presented below.

Fall 2016, Required Core and Electives (12 credits minimum)

IEORE4721 Mathematics of Financial Engineering Primer (8/24, 8/25, 8/30, 8/31)

IEORE4007 Optimization Models and Methods (FE)

IEORE4701 Stochastic Models (FE)

IEORE4706 Foundations of Financial Engineering

IEORE4720 Professional Development (FE)

FE Elective (1 minimum, 3 credits)

Financial Engineering Seminar Series

Spring 2017, Required Core and Electives (12 credits minimum)

IEORE4703 Monte Carlo Simulation

IEORE4707 Financial Engineering: Continuous Time Models

IEORE4709 Statistical Analysis and Time Series

FE Elective (1 minimum, 3 credits)

Financial Engineering Seminar Series



1.Completed online application form (完成申请表)

2.Three (3) letters of recommendation(三份推荐信)

3.Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test scores, sent from ETS. Scores are valid for five (5) years. Institution code is (2111); there is no Department code.(GRE,GRE考试成绩五年内有效,一般五年内考的都可以。友情提示:另外,托福成绩两年内有效。在申请过程中,合理安排标化考试时间是非常关键的)。

4.Personal statement(个人陈述)

5.Resume or curriculum vitae(履历)

6.Non-refundable application fee ($85)(申请费)

In addition, applicants whose undergraduate or graduate degree was received in a country in which English is not the official and spoken language must meet the following requirements:(这是写给英语非母语的国际生的)

  1. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Official scores from ETS are required of all students who have not received an undergraduate or graduate degree in a country in which English is the official and spoken language. (语言成绩要求,托福、雅思考试)

  2. Translation of the official transcript(s) is required if the institution(s) you attended does not issue transcripts in English. The transcript translation must be conducted by a reputable service and must be sent in addition to the official transcripts. Personal transcript translations will not be accepted.(本科段的成绩要求,必须是校方或者有声誉的机构传送来的成绩,GPA的来源)






2、提供5个concentrations,分别是Computation & Programming、Finance & Economics、Derivatives、Asset Management、Computational Finance & Trading Systems。

3、FE课程包括stochastic processes、optimization、numerical techniques、Monte Carlo simulation、data analysis、portfolio theory、derivatives valuation、financial risk analysis;学生也可以选修其他学院的课程,比如商学院、法学院、国际公共事务学院等。



金融工程专业是36学分的项目,学生可以用一年时间完成该项目的学习。 在课程设置上,上半年和下半年分工明确,让学生一步步掌握金融工程的所有知识。上半年项目致力于培养贸易工具和建模工具在金融市场的应用。下半年学生有机会参加更高级的课程或学习专业话题。除了工程学院的课程外,学生也可以从商学院、文理学院、法学院、国际关系学院等学院选择课程学习。 该项目提供五个分支包括:计算机编程、金融经济学、金融衍生物、资产管理、计算机金融和交易系统。


六、哥伦比亚大学金融工程项目点评 :



2、录取喜好:偏好理工科背景,具备扎实的数学基础(多元微积分、线性代数、概率论与统计),对工作经验没有要求;建议TOEFL100+/IELTS7.0+,只接受GRE成绩,不接受GMAT成绩,GRE没有最低分数要求,在不考虑工作经验的情况下,TOEFL100+,GRE325+更容易录取。(完 )


