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专业英语-IT行业 002 配置邮箱-电子邮箱怎么填



最新资讯《专业英语-IT行业 002 配置邮箱-电子邮箱怎么填》主要内容是电子邮箱怎么填,我需要经常查收邮件,而到网站上收邮件实在太费时间了。先运行Outlook,再点击“工具”菜单上的“电子邮件账户”。,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

Leo:Tony ,could you tell me how to receive e‐mails on my own computer? It takes

too much time to check e‐mails on the web site, since I do it quite often.

Leo:Tony ,能告诉我如何在我的电脑上收邮件吗?我需要经常查收邮件,而到

网站上收邮件 实在太费时间了。

Tony :You don’t have to log on to the web site every time. You can receive your e‐ mails with Microsoft Outlook.

Tony :不用每次都登录到网站上去收邮件。你可以用Microsoft Outlook 啊。

Leo:Can you tell me tow to do that? I have no clue at all.

Leo: 能告诉我该怎么做吗?我一点也不懂。

Tony :After running Outlook, you can first click E ‐mail Accounts on the Tools

menu. And then select Add a new e ‐mail account.

Tony :先运行Outlook ,再点击“工具”菜单上的“电子邮件账户”。再选择

“添加一个新的 电子邮件账户”。

Leo:I see. What type of e‐mail server should I choose?


Tony :In this case, you need to choose POP3. And on the next page, in the appropriate boxes, you need to type the information our administrator gave you, such as your e‐mail address, user name, password, and the POP3 and SMTP addresses.

Tony :你需要选择POP3,。在下一页适当的对话框里,填上管理员给你的信息,

比如你的邮 件地址,用户名,密码和POP3 以及SMTP 服务器的地址。

Leo:I got it. But one more question, do I have to type the password every time I

check my messages?


Tony :No, you don’t. You can type it in the Password box and select the Remember

password check box. In this way, you can have Outlook remember your password and you

don’t have to type it in next time you check your e‐mails.

Tony :不用啊。你可以在密码框中输入密码,并选中“记住密码”复选框。这

样,Outlook 就能记住你的密码,你下次收邮件的时候就不必再输入了。

Leo:That’s very helpful. Thank you ve ry much, Tony.

Leo:真是太有帮助了。谢谢你,Tony 。

Tony :You’re welcome. Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

Tony :不客气。有什么问题,尽管来问我吧。

Leo:I won’t. Thank you.


专业英语-IT行业 002 配置邮箱


