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Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩-xuexinwang



最新资讯《Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩-xuexinwang》主要内容是xuexinwang,(2016年10月12日,/HRoot.com/)据悉,甲骨文2016财年的订单量相当强劲,带动了2017财年第一财季SaaS收入增速的预期。,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

(2016年10月12日,/HRoot.com/)据悉,甲骨文2016财年的订单量相当强劲,带动了2017财年第一财季SaaS收入增速的预期。其中,在全球范围内,Oracle SaaS再创新高度,甲骨文在2016财年第四季度和第三季度分别增加了超过1,600家和942家的新客户,目前甲骨文在全球共拥有6,000多个HCM Cloud (人力资本云) 客户,财富500强企业里有将近300家企业在使用Oracle HCM Cloud。

在中国,Oracle HCM云不断拓展业务领域,为各个行业企业提供全面的人力资本管理解决方案,新增客户覆盖汽车、投资、电商、餐饮、信息技术等领域,其中不乏诸如普信恒业、人人车、杭州贝购、资邦国际、绿盟科技、上海新旺、蔚来汽车、京东方科技、学大教育等在业界内耳熟能详的名字。

在各行业企业全面上云的大趋势中,Oracle HCM云持续为众多成长型企业及大型企业提供技术支持,助力加速企业人才管理在全新云时代的转型。2017财年全面起航,Oracle HCM云的发展也已揭开了新篇章。甲骨文将在HCM 云解决方案的研发和推广上持续发力,与Oracle SaaS家族里另外两朵漂亮的云 – Oracle CX (Oracle客户体验云) 和Oracle ERP Cloud (Oracle企业资源规划云) 并驾齐驱,为中国不同规模不同行业的企业提供业界领先的、全面集成的云解决方案。

Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩

Oracle HCM cloud made repeated success in the Chinese market

(Oct.12, 2016, / HRoot.com /) It is reported that Oracle's fiscal year 2016 orders are quite strong, which drives SaaS revenue growth in the first quarter of fiscal year 2017. Oracle, which has more than 1,600 and 942 new customers in the fourth quarter and third quarter of fiscal 2016, now has more than 6,000 HCM Clouds worldwide. There are nearly 300 Fortune 500 companies are using Oracle HCM Cloud.

Oracle HCM Cloud continues to expand its business in China by providing comprehensive human capital management solutions for companies in a wide range of industries, including automotive, investment, electricity, catering, and information technology. Its customers includes Puxinhengye,renrenche.com,beibei.com, zillion holdings, NSFOCUS, Shanghai Xinwang,nextev.com, BOE and xueda.com.

With the trend of the cloud used in all industries and enterprises, Oracle HCM cloud continues to provide technical support for many developing companies and large enterprises to help their transformation of talent management in the new era of cloud. In the fiscal year 2017, Oracle HCM will continue to develop and promote the HCM cloud solution in parallel with the other two beautiful clouds in the Oracle SaaS family - Oracle CX and Oracle ERP Cloud,which will provide leading and fully integrated cloud solutions for Chinese enterprises of different sizes and different industries.


Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩

Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩

Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩

Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩

Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩

Oracle HCM云在中国市场屡创佳绩


