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个人翻译 原帖来自quora

Patrick Yan, Lived in Seoul


Answered Jul 28, 2011


Korea and Japan are the only developed countries in Asia, and Japan has always had some of the weirdest fetishes when it comes to pop culture. Korean companies have the resources, capital, and infrastructure to produce and export K-pop more successfully than other Asian countries.


The Artists

In contrast to American artists, Asian music targeted towards young people is heavily focused on "idols", who are not so much singers as all around entertainers. Instead of simply enjoying their music, fans of K-pop indulge in an overdose of their favorite idols. Compared to regular American artists, idols:



Be physically attractive (face and body).


Put out catchy music, regardless of actual vocal abilities. Catchy song = cha-ching$!$!

发行口水歌,不注重歌唱能力。口水歌=cha-ching 注:加拿大励志乐队hedley的一首歌

Dance to catchy choreography completely in sync with all members in the idol group. YouTube is riddled with dance covers from international fans.


Act in dramas, regardless of actual acting ability.



Model in CFs (commercials).


Appear on variety programs (talk shows, weird funny shows, game shows, etc.)


Guest on radio programs


DJ or MC radio programs and TV programs


Perform 4+ times a week on music TV programs


Perform weekly at different events at amusement parks, university festivals/celebrations, other private events


(for the popular idols) Hold concerts all over Asia (or the world even)


Hold fan meetings, which include performances and playing games with fans


Hold fan signings at sponsor events


Actively promote in other countries around Asia (or the world)



In contrast American artists:


Put out an album/music video


Have a tour


That's it


For consumers, there are tons of more reasons to start liking a K-pop idol than an American artist.


The Companies

K-pop is dominated by the "big 3" companies: SM, JYP, and YG. In contrast with American agencies, which identify musical talent/potential and work with the artists to produce music, Korean entertainment companies recruit and manufacture these idols. Children/teens chosen to be celebrities train for years learning to sing/rap, practicing dancing/acting, foreign languages, dieting, getting plastic surgery, etc. all in preparation for idoldom—but very few of them make it through the final cut. This manufacturing process is what makes idols into the gods/goddesses that fans worship and drool over.



But unfortunately, no system is perfect. First of all, this idol manufacturing system is extremely expensive and time consuming for obvious reasons. Furthermore, the massive amount of responsibilities I listed above is immensely taxing to the idols. Idols are humans, too. It's not uncommon for idols to get only 2-4 hours of sleep a day. No wonder idol groups tend to break up or have other troubles.

但不幸的是,没有完美的制度。首先,很明显的原因是这个爱抖露制造系统花费极其高昂以及时间耗费极多。其次,我上面所列的大量工作内容对爱豆来说太沉重了。爱豆也是人啊!对于爱豆来说,每天只睡2 - 4个小时根本不算个事。难怪偶像团体总是倾向于解散或陷入其他麻烦。


Of course, Asian cultures have more in common with each other than with American artists, so it follows that they might enjoy Asian artists over American ones.



What are American songs about? Sex, drugs, getting drunk, partying, grinding on girls, more sex, maybe even some BDSM thrown in, getting naughty with a shorty, etc.


Korean idols are much more culture-friendly in comparison. They sing about innocently falling in love, having a crush, etc. Sometimes they'll have a mention of soju or sexy girls, but nothing to the extent of American music. The government itself censors music and music videos, as well.




*Korean idols are all around entertainers that fans love and worship


*Companies work hard to train and manufacture these idols


*K-pop is more Asian culture-friendly than American music




Anonymous 匿名用户

Answered Dec 28, 2011

Patrick Yan.

回Patrick Yan(上楼)。

I wouldn't say that Japan and Korea are the ONLY developed countries in Asia. Everyone, please note that Singapore actually has higher GDP per capita than Japan, and Taiwan's GDP per capita is on par with Korea's.



However, it is very true that Japan and Korea are proud of their cultures. They have invested in their entertainment and creative industries and sectors VERY deeply. Simply put, they put out damn good stuff, so they sell. I'd like to see the same kind of creativity and enthusiasm for one's own culture spread to other countries, particularly China. I mean, there's like 1.4 billion people there. Why are all the top movies coming from only Hong Kong???



Jeet Dhindsa

Jeet Dhindsa, Foreign Expat Living and Working in Korea

Updated Apr 24

The short answer:


Because of centralized planning by the Korean government in an attempt to achieve soft power in the region. KPOP is an effective medium for managing social change and to regulate the future development, sentiments and behavior of the youth & general population towards Korea in nearby Asian countries (social engineering).




The Korean government gives KPOP unprecedented backing and support, so it can thrive and be exported to its Asian neighbors (China, Japan, South East Asia, etc….). The government wants people in the region to consume this content not only for economic, but political reasons. This is called soft power and it’s an effective way to manipulate the economies and sentiments of foreign nations to buy & favor Korean products and ideas. The government assists big KPOP corporations financially and politically to expand into these countries in the form of subsidies and sponsored roadshows, campaigns and tours.


Below are two common points people usually cite for why KPOP is popular in Asia, so let’s get these out of the way:


High production value & budgets that rival American music entertainment. In the early stages KPOP heavily sampled US entertainment formulas for success, and had many top US choreographers, producers, and consultants flown to Korea to assist and fine tune the industry’s recipes.


Very attractive asian-looking talent that are selected in calculated ways. Talent are incubated, farmed, and groomed to be appealing and adopt whatever mannerisms, personalities, quirks and skills that will appeal to a wide range of key audiences, this is furthered by surgical enhancements, diets and personal training if necessary.


Below are the less obvious reasons, especially to fans, but they are the single most key factors for why KPOP has succeeded in Asia.


Economic - KPOP is often the backbone of key growth sectors driving billions of dollars into the Korean economy, such as tourism, medical tourism (plastic surgery), beauty, fashion, and intangible assets such as entertainment brands, digital contents, media and broadcast licensing rights, all of which further Koreas “Creative Economy” initiative: a push to move away from a manufacturing economy to instead a service, intangible assets, contents and idea based economy.



Diplomatic - KPOP is Korea’s soft power, unlike hard power (ability to use coercion via military might or economic sanctions). It can instead infectiously penetrate and influence a wide variety of foreign citizens to hold Korea in high positive regard, especially since KPOP content is tightly monitored, controlled and censored to maintain Korea’s national narrative. This would make it difficult for foreign government’s to take negative actions towards Korea if many of its own citizens like Korea. In fact, this is currently being put to the test as Korea deploys the US military missile defense system, THAAD, which the Chinese government is displeased with and is beginning to censor KPOP as a result. KPOP has been so entrenched in China that Chinese citizens may show unrest due to their government reacting negatively towards Korea, especially if that means taking away their KPOP.

Foreign KPOP fans are have become like proxy brigade of crowd sourced PR agents, ambassadors and diplomats protecting Korea’s image 24–7.




Jon Russell

Jon Russell, I've lived in Thailand since 2008

Answered Aug 24, 2011

Japan and Korea stand out as leading, aspirational countries in Asia.Both are not only well developed - in terms of finance, infrastructure, lifestyle, etc - but both have maintained a strong sense of cultural independence.


Perhaps also the fact that both enjoyed huge empires across Asia, gives them greater influence and prestige?


I can speak only from my thoughts and experiences in Thailand, but Thai people are hugely interesting in all things Japanese or Korean.



There is no doubt that the stereotypical appearance of East Asians - white skin, big eyes - is one factor, but equally the phenomenal marketing and this strong sense of a definite national culture makes the music, food, fashion, TV shows and countless other culture/media/products, from both countries incredibly popular in Thailand.



Chrystian Zhang(应该是中国人)

Chrystian Zhang, works at Information Technology

Answered Dec 29, 2011

Different people may define the level of popularity differently. To me, honestly, I do not agree that K-pop is extremely popular thoughout Asia, at least in China. :P As I never had a chance to exchange such idea with non-Chinese Asians.

不同的人可能对流行程度有不同的定义。对我,老实来说,我不同意KPOP有在全亚洲极度流行这回事,至少在中国不是这样的。:P 因为我从没有机会和除中国外的亚洲人交流过这个想法。

However, I do agree that youth nowadays can recognize and even sing at least a few Korean songs. I can think of reasons as follows:


-The entertainment industry rises as the nation's economy has been developed. People start to develop luxious desire as their basic needs for living are satisfied (饱暖思淫欲).


-I have no offense against anyone or anything by saying so, but I do think Korean companies want to reach out audience aboard because their domestic market is not big enough. And music as a cultural product is most suitable for people sharing a similar culture background. Therefore, Asia is the main focused market. The best example is that Chinese singers and actors from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries and regions develop their career in Mainland China.


-I also think the environment in Korea encourage the growth of the entertainment industry. Unlike in China, many things are not yet mature.



Yuna Kim

Yuna Kim, K-pop fangirl, I love k-pop

Answered May 4, 2016

Youth from all over Asia have been inspired by Korean music throughout the last decades. Kpop music has become more famous than anyone would have thought about it. From genres imitative of early twentieth-century European and Japanese styles ("trot" and "yuhaennga") to contemporary pop and rap bands, there is something for every category of listeners to enjoy. In fact, we can say that the success of Korean music is part of the "Korean wave" ("Hallyu" in Korean), which refers to the recent recognition of Korean popular culture.


This began with the export of Korean TV dramas ("Jewel in the palace" and "Winter Sonata" in southeastern Asia) and continued with the success of Korean movies and popular music. The current success of Kpop music can be explained by the fact that South Korea is the 10th largest economy in the world. Due to its fast economical growth, Korea can afford to invest large amounts of money in the music industry. Spectacular laser shows and fireworks often accompany Korean pop singers' performances.


Young stars with good looks, latest styles and amazing dance skills create Kpop music. Korean music is similar to Western music (pop, rap, soul and blues), except that the lyrics are, of course, in Korean. Another difference is that contemporary Korean music has managed to integrate traditional instruments and influences. The emergence of Kpop music started with the popular group Seo Taiji and Boys, in 1992. Today, artists like Rain, Se7en, Boa, Shihwa and TVXQ are the favorites, not only in Korea, but also in other countries from eastern Asia. For example, BoA has had a huge success on the Kpop market partially due to Lee Soo Man's adaptation of the Blue Ocean strategy.

年轻又帅气的明星,最新的造型和惊人的舞蹈技能造就了韩国音乐。韩国音乐与西方音乐类似(都有流行乐,嘻哈,灵歌和布鲁斯),当然,是除了歌词以外的。另外一个不同点是当代韩国音乐设法已经成功结合了传统的乐器及影响力。KPOP萌芽自1992年的流行乐团“徐太志和孩子们”。今天,像艺人RAIN(郑智薰), Se7en(崔东旭),Boa(宝儿),Shihwa (神话)和TVXQ(东方神起)不仅在韩国被我们所喜爱,他们也受东亚其他国家欢迎。例如宝儿在KPOP市场中取得了巨大成功,其部分原因可归为李秀满对蓝海战略的改编。

After they have conquered Asia, the next logical step for the ambitious Kpop music singers is the US market. In order to do that, of course, they have to sing in English, as most Americans do not understand Korean. Some artists, such as the Korean reggae singer Skull, have already released a song in the US charts. It is just a matter of time until the "Korean invasion" of the US music market will begin. It cannot be a coincidence that celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Britney Spears have visited Korea now, when Korean music is only one-step away from international fame.


Although some criticize the Korean music landscape because there is not enough variety in the music styles, nobody can deny that Kpop artists are doing an excellent work. The fact that the pop formula has dominated for the last 15 years proves that the procedure has been entirely successful. Apart from pop, R&B and hip-hop have also developed, with bands such as Drunken Tiger, Tasha, Dynamic Duo, Lee Hung Hyun and Kim Hyun Jung. Although it is claimed that the local rock scene has been deserted, bands such as Yoon Do-Hyun Band and Seo Taiji have gained national recognition and perhaps they will even gain international recognition in the future.

虽然有一些对韩国音乐风格缺乏多样性的批评,没人可以否认KPOP艺人工作得很出色。过去15年中,占事实主导地位的流行套路证明了这一过程已经完全成功。除pop之外,蓝调和嘻哈音乐也有发展,比如醉虎帮乐队,刘怡伶(Skarf乐队),Dynamic Duo,李贞贤和金贤政。尽管有人声称韩国的摇滚乐坛发展处于一片荒漠中,但乐队,比如Yoon Do-Hyun Band (YB :尹度玹主唱)和徐太志(乐队:徐太志和孩子们)的成就已经获得国家承认,或许在未来他们甚至将会获得国际认可。

If you are a fan of Kpop music, you must be happy, as your favorite bands really have chances to achieve worldwide fame. After Japan and China's culture have benefited from recognition in the Western world, it is time for Korea to make it through. Overall, there is a promising future for all Korean singers.



Kim Bum

Kim Bum, Kpop music lover, eater, avid traveler

Answered Oct 6, 2016

Following in the footstep of the Korean wave, K-pop has recently touched the heart of millions across the borders. The Korean music fans are now not only limited to Korea but also influences the global popular culture. k-pop has actually signified a new appeal of popular music as it is characterized with amazing visual appeals of its idols and stunning performances. Also a significant degree of musical conservatism, it has captivated millions of fans across the world and drawn the attention of the international music industry.


There are actually two broad reasons behind the global popularity of k-pop music:


1. The Korean top music has undoubtedly influenced the culture of many countries including America as well. Actually, k-pop is dominated by various Korean talented and potential young white shin artist who directly touch the strings of your heart no matter whether you understand their lyrics or not. The way they dance, act and sung, no other music type can reach that level. Korean entertainment companies are actually full of real talent that comprise with sufficient work experience.


2. The other reason behind their popularity is their trendy fashion trends and more culture-friendly in nature. They sing beautifully and their innocent voice can directly hit your heart. Moreover, their long listed fans used to follow them like crazy and wanted to look like them. k-pop has actually not only shaken the international music industry but also plays an important role in influencing youngsters as well.


Among all reasons, these two are the main points that has shown the great popularity of k-pop music at international music platform.





Updated Jul 17, 2016

If entertainers get popularity in Korean market then the company usually want them to go abroad to get more profit. To achieve this, there are basic tactics commonly used in entertainment companies.


They train boys and girls to have basic skills like singing and dancing as well as foreign languages i.e., Japanese and Chinese.


Sometimes, hire foreigner or people grew up abroad as a member of group. i.e., there are Chinese members in Miss A and Thailand member in 2PM

Export popular TV series or movies which some members participated.

有时候也会找一些外国人作为团体的成员。比如,中国人加入了Miss A 和泰国人加入2PM。

Also, Asian people feel that Korean entertainers are little closer than Western ones. I know some South-Asian girls who like Korean stars. I asked them why you like them and they told me that they are interestingly different but not too far.


Chris Fox

Chris Fox, Programmer / teacher living in Vietnam. Play flute, recorders, classical guitar

Answered Aug 4, 2016

I live in Vietnam. KPop is very popular here along with a very similar Vietpop, with idols who appear to come off assembly lines.


What the writer didn't mention is how awful this stuff is. It doesn't come within a kiloparsec of qualifying as music. Kids may like it, older people have another set of celebrities, cut and bleached so as to appear western, endless lounge acts singing about love triangles. The men look tragic, the women look at the cameras as if inviting the viewer to bed.

作者没提到的是这玩意儿有多坏。K-POP离成为音乐还有3260光年( a kiloparsec:1000秒差距=3260光年)的差距。小屁孩可能会喜欢它,老年人有自己喜欢的名人。与过去做切割和漂白,以显示韩国的西方性,无尽的虚度光阴中唱着关于三角恋的歌。男人看起来很惨,女人看着摄像头就像在邀请观众上车。

To anyone who loves music, or especially to anyone with a musically trained ear, all of this is agonizingly awful. The songs are formulaic and repetitive and by now they may even be written by machines. The accompanying tonal and rhythmic structure—I cannot bring myself to call it music—is gratingly simple and predictable. Melodies are arpeggios, bass lines are the tonic of the current chord thumping over and over. You claw at your ears in agony. If I forget my earphones I can't go into the gym unless the electricity is off.


My generation was inspired by our music to learn instruments. Jethro Tull inspired me to learn the flute, Yes’ Steve Howe, the guitar. Not a one of my students has any interest in being involved in music; musicians are shadowed figures backstage if you see them at all. If anyone is onstage with the “vocalist” they are dancers, twirling in fake fog and lasers.

我这一代是被音乐激励着才学乐器的。Jethro Tull(杰叟罗图,前卫摇滚乐队)激发了我学习长笛的热情,还有Yes’(前卫摇滚乐队)的史蒂夫·豪激发了我学习集团的热情。我的学生没有一个对参与音乐创作感兴趣,如果你看到音乐家,就知道他们完全就是后台数据的影子。如果说有人能在舞台上陪伴“歌手”,那他们就是在假雾和激光中旋转的舞者。

Asian pop is the ultimate disposable music, the endurance of a hotel room toothbrush. It's a slashing insult to everyone who ever stayed home practicing scales or reading scores. It is absolutely, unendurable awful.



Hyun Kim

Hyun Kim

Answered Aug 14, 2016


Korean government uses soft power to influence other countries? Yes but only one country particular, it’s counter part North Korea.





