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Popular dim sum restaurants in Bao'an 宝安区早茶店清单来了,请查



Dim sum, a typical Cantonese cuisine, is a weekly ritual in the form of a brunch for most families in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

Popular dim sum restaurants in Bao'an 宝安区早茶店清单来了,请查收!

Whether you are a vegetarian or an omnivore, you can choose from a wide variety of small bite-sized portions of steamed, fried or boiled food.

Popular dim sum restaurants in Bao'an 宝安区早茶店清单来了,请查收!

Steamed chicken feet with black bean sauce

Eating dim sum is both a very personal and communal experience at the same time. Even if you eat alone, you can still enjoy a light meal of two or three plates or steam boxes and a pot of tea which is referred to by the Cantonese as “一盅兩件” (meaning “one cup, two pieces”).

Popular dim sum restaurants in Bao'an 宝安区早茶店清单来了,请查收!

A hedgehog-shaped steamed BBQ pork bun.

Most restaurants of Cantonese or Chaozhou cuisine serve dim sum brunches. Li Bao Ge, Laurel, Chunmanyuan and Tao Heung are very famous Cantonese cuisine brands in Shenzhen with several branches in the city. Chinese-cuisine restaurants in luxury hotels also serve quality dim sum but it may be much more expensive.

Below are some of the famous and popular dim sum restaurants in Bao’an.

Li Bao Ge 利宝阁

Add: 4/F, inside Uniwalk (壹方城四楼)

Metro: Line 1 to Bao’an Center Station (宝安中心站), Exit F

Chunmanyuan (π mall) 春满园 (中洲店)

Add: 3/F, inside π mall (中洲购物中心三楼)

Metro: Line 5 to Lingzhi Station (灵芝站), Exit C1

Chunmanyuan (Qianhai) 春满园 (前海店)

Add: 3/F, inside JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen Bao’an (深圳前海华侨城JW万豪酒店三楼)

Metro: Line 5 to Baohua Station (宝华站), Exit D

Shengtaoyuan 圣陶苑

Add: 5/F, inside Haiya Mega Mall (海雅缤纷城五楼)

Metro: Line 5 to Lingzhi Station (灵芝站), Exit A1 and then take a taxi

Phoenix House 凤凰楼能记食坊

Add: 2/F, inside Rainbow Department Store (天虹商场二楼)

Metro: Line 1 to Xixiang Station (西乡站), Exit A

Dim Sum Legend 点心传说

Add: 5/F, inside Haiya Mega Mall (海雅缤纷城五楼)

Metro: Line 5 to Lingzhi Station (灵芝站), Exit A1 and then take a taxi

Sweet Dynasty 糖朝

Add: B2, inside Uniwalk (壹方城B2层)

Metro: Line 1 to Bao’an Center Station (宝安中心站), Exit F

Guanhai Seafood Restaurant 观海海鲜酒楼

Add: 2/F, Rongchao Haibin Building (荣超海滨大厦二层)

Metro: Line 5 to Baohua Station (宝华站), Exit D

Tao Heung 稻香酒家

Add: Beside Uniwalk (壹方城附近)

Metro: Line 1 to Bao’an Center Station (宝安中心站), Exit B

Victory 胜记

Add: Beside Hengfeng Haiyue International Hotel (恒丰海悦国际酒店附近)

Metro: Line 1 to Pingzhou Station (坪洲站), Exit A and then take a taxi

Madouyou 嘜都有

Add: Opposite Bao’an Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital (宝安中医院对面)

Metro: Line 5 to Lingzhi Station (灵芝站), Exit C1

Fengyuanxuan 丰圆轩

Add: Near Haiya Mega Mall (海雅缤纷城附近)

Metro: Line 5 to Lingzhi Station (灵芝站), Exit A1 and then take a taxi

Chayuehui 茶阅会

Add: Near Bao’an Sports Center (宝安体育中心附近)

Metro: Line 1 to Bao’an Stadium (宝体站), Exit A

Joyous Chinese Restaurant 喜悦酒家

Add: 3/F, inside Dayhello International Hotel (登喜路国际大酒店三楼)

Metro: Line 1 to Xixiang Station (西乡站), Exit A and then take a taxi

Haiyue Restaurant 海悦酒家

Add: 5/F, inside Hengfeng Haiyue International Hotel (恒丰海悦国际酒店五楼)

Metro: Line 1 to Pingzhou Station (坪洲站), Exit A and then take a taxi

Nansen Chinese Restaurant 南粤轩中餐厅

Add: 2/F, inside Baolilai International Hotel (深圳宝利来国际大酒店二楼)

Metro: Line 11 to Fuyong Station (福永站), Exit D and then take a taxi

Donghai Palace Seafood Restaurant 东海皇宫海鲜酒家

Add: 3/F, inside Wanyue Grand Skylight Hotel (万悦格兰云天大酒店三楼)

Metro: Line 5 to Lingzhi Station (灵芝站), Exit B2

Source/ Shenzhen Daily Editor/ Cao Zhen

WeChat editors/ Doria, Jane

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