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It seems that language appeared from nowhere since no other species has anything resembling human language. However, other animals do possess basic systems for perceiving and producing sounds that enable them to communicate. These systems may have been in place before the appearance of language.


Yellow is the most optimistic color, yet surprisingly, people lose their tempers most often in yellow rooms and babies cry more often in them. The reason may be that yellow is the hardest color on the eye. On the other hand, it speeds metabolism and enhances concentration; think of yellow legal pads and post-it notes.







The comics I show you with lots of people chatting around in a room is a form of description. We use different kinds of methods to describe a situation. Sometimes we have to use visual description, particularly when we do not witness the scenario. I was born during the Second World War and my hometown is X, for example when I asked my mother about the war, I always ask her you have mentioned this or that when you talked to me when asked her about the shelter, I asked her what the shelter looks like and when did you go to the shelter. From her response I could get more visual evidence as I can to write my book.

  • 有图,一张黑白照片,关于世界战争的有个人描述她妈妈在照片里正在写信。
  • 我们要描述一个事件或是当时的生活状况的时候要做到 visional, 会 draw narratives


A Female Novelist

I have been writing non-fiction for years actually, but secretly wanting to be a novelist.

When I first started writing at the age of 30, it was with the intention of writing fiction, but I took a littledetour for 10 or 12 years, and write non-fiction which I absolutely have no regret about at all. I think it's exactly the right thing for me to do. But there's this dream tucked away inside of me to do this. Now I was remembering reading something that wrote, who is a great novelist from Mississippi who had a big influence on me actually. She said, "no art ever came out of not risking your neck." And I think she's absolutely right about that. It felt that way to me at the time; it actually feels that way every time I sit down to write something. Finally, in the early 90s, I took my deep breath and started writing fiction. It felt risky to me at the time to do that. And one of the very first things that I wrote was, what I thought was going to be the first chapter of a novel, called "The Secret Life of Bees." I wrote it in 1992, and it is actually essentially the first chapter of the novel as it is now.

  • This topic is described as a female novelist.
  • She started writing from 30, and her initial intention was to write fiction novels.
  • However, she took some detour but she never regretted.
  • She spends 10-12 years to figure out what is fiction.
  • A great novelist inspired her to take some risk.
  • In conclusion, she literally started writing from 1951 with the first chapter “the secret life of bees."



When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country's dry, desolate northern savannah. Her job, unpaid and dangerous, was to protect her parents' livestock from preying jackals and leopards. She saw wildlife as the enemy, and many of the otherindigenous inhabitants of Namibia's rural communal lands shared her view. Wildlife poaching was commonplace. Fifteen years later, 31-year-old Pascolena's life and outlook are very different. She has built a previously undreamed of a career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed a manager of a guest lodge. Her village and hundreds of others have directly benefited from government efforts to devolve management and tourism development on communal lands to conservancies run by indigenous peoples. Now we see the wildlife as our way of creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows, she says. The future is better with wildlife around, not only for jobs but also for the environment.

  • Pascolena Florry, who used to work to prevent livestock being harmed by wildlife at her early age, now has a more promising career in the tourism industry working as a manager of a guest lodge, and this change in career proved to be beneficial and resulted from the government’s effort to decentralize and assign jobs to those living in a disadvantaged situation.


1. The application process may take longer than expected.

2. University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculties.

3. Control systems in manufacturing provide a high level of accuracy.

4. It is hard to anticipate all their actions.

5. The essay is easy to write once the research is completed.

6. To gain full marks, an appropriate bibliography is required.

7. A number of students have volunteer jobs.

8. This paper challenged the previously accepted theories.


