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Sissoko to play kora in town 一场心灵之旅:《音乐游吟诗人》科拉琴独奏音乐会-townwor



最新资讯《Sissoko to play kora in town 一场心灵之旅:《音乐游吟诗人》科拉琴独奏音乐会-townwork》主要内容是townwork,Notable Malian kora player Ballake Sissoko will perform in Longgang tomorrow night.Ballake SissokoThe son of renowned griot Djelimady Sissok,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

Notable Malian kora player Ballake Sissoko will perform in Longgang tomorrow night.

Sissoko to play kora in town 一场心灵之旅:《音乐游吟诗人》科拉琴独奏音乐会

Ballake Sissoko

The son of renowned griot Djelimady Sissoko, Ballake Sissoko played in the Instrumental Ensemble of Mali, and then with several prominent singers before coming to fame through his duet with Malian kora player Toumani Diabate in 1999. In 2000, he formed the trio Mande Tabolo with an ngoni player and a balafon player. His 2005 album, “Tomora,” features Diabate on kora, singers Alboulkadri Barry and Rokia Traore, and violinist Fanga Diawara of the Mali National Instrumental Ensemble.

His record “Chamber Music” released in 2009 is the result of a collaboration with Vincent Segal, a classical cellist known for his work with Bumcello, and was released by French label No Format! and the U.S. label Six Degrees Records. Sissoko released a solo album, “At Peace,” in 2013.

Time:7:30 p.m., April 26

Tickets: 120 yuan (Buy tickets at the door)

Venue: Live House, 1/F, Zone B, Longgang Cultural Center, 8308 Longxiang Boulevard, Longgang District (龙岗区龙翔大道8308号龙岗文化中心B区一楼Live House)

Metro:Line 3 to Longcheng Square Station (龙城广场站), Exit D

Sissoko to play kora in town 一场心灵之旅:《音乐游吟诗人》科拉琴独奏音乐会

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Source/ Shenzhen Daily Editor/ Cao Zhen

WeChat editors/ Doria, Jane

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