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最新资讯《闪烁着宝石光辉的明代皇家御用之珍品-townwork》主要内容是townwork,There is a very philosophical old saying in China, "Stones from other mountains can attack jade." Even though this kind of work made by fill,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。


There is a very philosophical old saying in China, "Stones from other mountains can attack jade." Even though this kind of work made by filling enamel glaze with metal as a tire is an imported product, in the vast and profound artistic soil of the Chinese nation, it quickly assimilates the traditional style of the Chinese nation and becomes a bright pearl in the history of Chinese arts and crafts



  • 景泰蓝正名“铜胎掐丝珐琅”,是以手工艺反复在精质铜材上敲打成胎型,再用金丝或铜丝,掐成各种花纹焊接胎体,将珐琅彩釉填充在花纹内经过反复打磨烧制而成。其制作工艺比瓷器复杂多倍。明代时期的工艺制作技术和使用材料达到最巅峰,所制作出的器型也最为精美。
  • Cloisonne Blue - the real name is "copper tyre enamel". It is made by repeatedly beating the tread on the fine copper material with handicraft, then welding the carcass with gold or copper wire, and filling the enamel glaze in the pattern by repeated grinding and firing. Its manufacturing process is more complex than that of porcelain. In the Ming Dynasty, the craftsmanship and materials reached their peak, and the models produced were also the most exquisite.

景泰蓝技艺是外传珐琅技艺和本土金属珐琅工艺相结合的产物。它集历史、文化、艺术和传统工艺于一身,古朴典雅,精美华贵,具有独特的民族艺术风格和深刻的文化内涵。Cloisonne technology is a combination of external enamel technology and native metal enamel technology. It integrates history, culture, art and traditional crafts. It is simple and elegant, exquisite and luxurious. It has a unique national artistic style and profound cultural connotation.


  • 景泰蓝诞生于皇宫,是皇家重要的组成部分,是皇宫大殿的主要陈设,亦是镇殿之宝。紫禁城金銮宝殿,或者是国子监辟雍宫、颐和园排云殿等等,在这些帝王尊属的殿堂,景泰蓝的宝石般的光芒总是令人赞叹。
  • Cloisonne was born in the palace. It is an important part of the Royal family. It is the main display of the palace and the treasure of the town hall. In the Forbidden City, Jinluo Palace, or the Imperial Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace Paiyun Hall and so on, the jewel-like light of Cloisonne is always amazing in these imperial palaces.



Bronze-shaped cloisonne sapphire and blue glaze

gold-filament flower-pattern jade pot and spring bottle


  • 此瓶高15.5cm、底径4.8cm、紫铜胎质,瓶身通体施以青金石宝石研磨而成的宝石蓝釉 ,底部施以祖母绿宝石研磨而成的绿釉。
  • The bottle is 15.5 cm high, 4.8 cm in diameter and copper matrix. The body of the bottle is made of lapis sapphire glaze, and the bottom of the bottle is made of emerald green glaze.


  • 它是用紫铜做胎,在铜胎上用铜丝粘上各种图案,然后在铜丝粘成的各种形式的小格子内填上色彩,经过炼焊、打磨等工序,最后入窑烧制而成的色彩明丽的手工艺术精品。

  • It is made of purple copper, on which various patterns are glued with copper wires, and then filled with colors in various forms of small lattices glued with copper wires, through refining, welding, grinding and other processes, and finally fired into a kiln to produce brilliant colored surgical products.


  • 将整个胎体填满色釉后,再拿到炉温大约800℃的高炉中用一些矿物石头粉作燃料烘烧,色釉由砂粒状固体熔化为液体,待冷却后成为固着在胎体上的绚丽的色釉,此时色釉低于铜丝高度,所以得再填一次色釉,再经烧结,一般要连续四五次,直至将纹样内填到与掐丝纹相平。
  • After filling the whole matrix with colored glaze, it is then baked with some mineral stone powder in the blast furnace at about 800 C. The colored glaze melts from sand-like solid to liquid and becomes a gorgeous colored glaze fixed on the matrix after cooling. At this time, the colored glaze is lower than the height of copper wire. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the colored glaze again, and then sinter it four or five times continuously until the pattern is filled and pinched. The silk pattern is even.

  • 此瓶瓶身以金丝掐制成的花卉纹为饰,
  • 线条细腻流畅。所用材料切非常昂贵。
  • Flower patterns made of gold thread are ornamented with delicate and smooth lines. The material used is very expensive.


  • 造型优雅美观,端庄大气,纹饰寓意吉祥富贵 。单色更为稀有难见。此为明代皇家御用珐琅器之佳作,极具历史价值与收藏价值,实为难得珍品。
  • The model is elegant and beautiful, dignified and elegant, and the decoration implies auspiciousness and wealth. Monochrome is more rare. This is a masterpiece of Royal enamel in Ming Dynasty. It has great historical value and collection value. It is really a rare treasure.

  • 让我们一起来欣赏一下这樽如此精美的景泰蓝珍品更多的细节吧!
  • Let's enjoy more details of this beautiful cloisonne treasure.

  • 景泰蓝艺术中包含了造型艺术、装饰艺术、环境艺术、空间艺术在其中,所以欣赏方法又与其它不同。而且金属有金碧辉煌的特点,感到特别珍贵。
  • Cloisonne art includes plastic art, decorative art, environmental art and space art, so the appreciation methods are different from others. And the metal has the characteristics of brilliance, feel particularly precious.

近几年来,中国文化艺术收藏品的价值不断持续升华,越来越多的外国收藏圈里的收藏家、投资商都开始将投资的目光转向了中国文化艺术的各式各样、各个朝代的艺术产物。In recent years, the value of Chinese cultural and artistic collections has been continuously sublimated. More and more foreign collectors and investors in the collection circle have begun to turn their investment attention to the various artistic products of Chinese culture and art of different dynasties.

同样在拍卖市场里,中国古董收藏一直都是备受关注的!中国古董收藏在刷新着拍卖纪录!正因为中国的文化艺术五千载、博大精深、鬼斧神工造就了这件珍品“铜胎景泰蓝宝石蓝釉掐金丝花卉纹玉壶春瓶”。无论是它的收藏价值、历史价值乃至它的经济价值都将会是不可估量、无与伦比的!Also in the auction market, the collection of Chinese antiques has always been the focus of attention! uuuuuuuuuuu Chinese antique collection is refreshing the auction record! It is precisely because of the Chinese culture and art of 5000 years, extensive and profound, and the magic work of the axe that made this treasure "copper-tyred Cloisonne sapphire blue glaze pinches gold silk flower pattern jade pot spring vase".Whether its collection value, historical value or even its economic value will be immeasurable and unparalleled!


