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首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」-ycool




Rafael Viñoly于1944年6月1日生于乌拉圭,

Rafael Viñoly常常挂着三副眼镜,用他本人的话说:这代表着不同尺度的视野——其中一副眼镜用于远眺场地,一副用于日常工作,最后一副则用于近景观察。得益于这样的搭配,上至宏大的新城规划,下至精巧的建筑细部研究,维诺里先生总能应对自如——从国际机场到私人住宅,他的作品覆盖了当代建筑的各个尺度,并且从空间艺术和商业价值上都取得了公认的成功。

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

Rafael Viñoly


Miami's top luxury housing


首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


The architect's first project in Miami included two towers that were perpendicular to each other with a gap between them. The single structure will reach 60 stories and will be connected by a three-story bridge near their roof.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


As a key design element, an 85-foot (26-meter) waterfall will surround the front entrance and valet area, and the flyover will have a rooftop swimming pool.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

景观设计将由马萨诸塞州公司Saski Associates设计。元素将包括河滨散步,棕榈树庭院,花园和宠物公园。

The landscape design will be designed by saski associates, a massachusetts company. Elements will include riverside walks, palm tree gardens, gardens and pet parks.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


Each house will have an outdoor terrace 12 to 25 feet (3.6 to 7.6 meters) deep to provide additional living space. These covered courtyards will overlook Biscayne Bay and Miami Beach further.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


The tower was covered with two "sky villas" penthouses, and the elevator platform at the foot of the complex removed any internal obstacles that might be created, providing an extended view and an open public place.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


"Optimizing lighting and vision is the main focus of Venali's architectural design," the statement said. Every house has uninterrupted access to spectacular views of rivers, cities and bays. Developed by kar Real Estate in new york, these buildings will include residential and commercial space.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

350间公寓几乎每户都有独立的升降机平台和私人平台,这为住户提供了迈阿密天际线的丰富景观。除了许多居民设施以外, Sky Club提供了酒店套间,用餐,商业设施以及健身房。

Nearly each of the 350 apartments has its own elevator platform and private platform, which provides residents with a rich view of Miami's skyline. In addition to many residential facilities, sky club offers hotel suites, dining, commercial facilities and a gym.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


Chicago Skyscraper Design


首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


At present, in a plot at Roosevelt and the crossroads near Michigan's southern ring road, the skyscraper's highest point has reached 896 feet (273 meters). It will become Chicago's tallest residential rental building.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


The design includes a mix of rental houses, from studio to four-bedroom apartments, located in glass towers that rise to different heights.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


The main features include large glass windows, high ceilings, reaching a height of 9 feet (2.7 meters), and wood floors and custom cabinets made in Chicago. Rockwell Group also designs kitchen islands for each.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

“芝加哥的建筑对任何一位具有美国建筑意识的建筑师来说都是一种责任感。”VI Nyoy在短片中说。它有一个传统的质量和前瞻性的建议,而且在城市上也有一个巨大的,新古典的姿态。

"Architecture in Chicago is a sense of responsibility to any architect with American architectural awareness." Vi nyoy said in the short film. It has a traditional quality and forward-looking proposal, and also has a huge, neoclassical attitude in the city.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

为了创造NEMA芝加哥的堆叠形式,VI NooLy已经把摩天大楼分割成三层:基座上的领奖台,它将居住在北部和东部的住宅区;“尾部形式”中央部分,以大多数住宅单元为特征;阶梯式屋顶,公寓将有最大的楼层平面图和私人屋顶。

In order to create the stacked form of nema Chicago, vi nooly has divided the skyscraper into three floors: podium on the base, which will live in residential areas in the north and east; The central part of the "tail form" is characterized by most residential units. Stepped roof, apartment will have the largest floor plan and private roof.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


Floor-to-ceiling glass windows will provide views of Lake Michigan, Chicago's skyline and nearby Grant Park, which form a "very basic component" of the Wyneri Plan. "I think this is the most impressive place in all public places in Chicago, and it is also a building in many other parts of the country." The architect said.

首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」


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首发 | Rafael Viñoly 超级豪宅打造者 「Design首发47期」



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